Tasty, healthy and super easy to prepare. Get it as soon as you reach Irkutsk city. Great for all kinds of travel. Fall in love with your Trans-Siberian Train even more.
The following information significantly improves the quality of your train travel and other trips in Russia, Mongolia, and China.
Made in Irkutsk, here space technologies meet the best culinary traditions.
Made in the downtown of Irkutsk. Factory’s high tech kitchen is inside a traditional Siberian mansion. Design of the 19th century.

The Product
It is a soft container 15 x 20 cm (6 x 7 in) made of hard metal-plastic material. Designed to keep the meal inside for 1 year.
The meal that is inside is ready to eat.
300 grams per pack
- Borscht
- Pea soup with smoked meat
- Mushroom cream-soup
- Chichen soup
- Kharcho
- Lentil soup
- French cream-soup
- Spinach cream-soup
Main meal
300 grams per pack
- Pilaf with beef
- Chicken with vegetables
- Salmon in cream sauce
- Pork stew
- Buckwheat with vegetables and liver
- Buckwheat with vegetables and mushrooms
- Korean chicken stomachs
- Thai chicken wings
- Sweet-and-sour chicken and pineapple
- Chakhokhbili
- Lobio
250 grams per pack
- Carbonara
- Bolognese
- Mushrooms
- Teriyaki
Just warm up the container. It is super easy, but don’t use a microwave oven, the packing material contains metal.

Tip: On the train, use a hot water boiler which is in every wagon and is free for all. Just put packs on top of the boiler, 3 minutes should be enough, 4 packs usually fit just perfect. Keep them up there for more time, if you like your soup to be hot. Be careful, in some trains the top of the boiler is very hot!

It tastes really good
More information
A unique product, cooked from natural ingredients. No chemical preservatives are used. It is the technology of cooking and packing that keeps food good for 1 year.
The package will keep your food safe in a wide range of temperatures from -30 to +50 Celcius. The material is hard to break and it can be transported in very difficult conditions.
Where to get
In Irkutsk, this product is sold in Slata (Слата) supermarkets. They are located all over the city and usually work 24 hours every day. Angara Hotel, Karl Marx Steet, 130-th District all these and many other locations have Slata supermarket where Factory’s products can be found.

Welcome to visit Factory of Healthy Food, doors are open from AM 10:00 to PM 6:00 every working day, closed on Saturday and Sunday. Availability is usually much better at the Factory and the price is lower.
Russian name: Фабрика Здоровой Еды
Pronunciation: Fábrika Zdoróvoi Yedí
Meaning: Factory of Healthy Food
Address: Тимирязева, 5Б (Timiryazeva 5B)
Enjoy your meal.